Gherardo BONINI


Nato/Born : Verona, Italy, 26 April 1959 – Italian citizen

Resident(e) Firenze/Florence - Sposato/Married, Quattro figli/Four children

Curriculum universitario/Academic status : Graduated in 1989 in Philosophy (Thesis on the Freewill on XVIII Century)

Curriculum professionale/Professional background : Diplomated as Archivist at the School of State Archive of Florence in 1991 / Since 1989 European Communities' clerk


a) Archivistica / Archival matters

(con J.M. Palayret e A. Becherucci) Guida agli Archivi Storici delle Comunità Europee (3a edizione), Villa il Poggiolo, Firenze, 1991

(Edizione tradotta e pubblicata in Francese, Inglese e Tedesco / Edition also translated and published in French, English and German)

Ripubblicata in / Reprinted in : Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato, Roma, LI (1991) 2-3, pp. 443-460

European Space Agency Archives

In : Quest, The History of Spacecraft Quarterly, Space Studies Department, University of North Dakota, Fall 1998, Volume 6, Number 3, p. 66

Europe in Space

In : EUI Review, Florence, Autumn 1998, p. 34-35

(con A. Becherucci) Nota archivistica

In : (a cura di Mimmo Franzinelli) Ernesto Rossi. “Nove anni sono molti”. Lettere dal carcere 1930-39. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino, 2001, pp. CXIII-CXIV

b) Studi sullo sport / Sport studies

Guida bibliografica ad una possibile ricerca sulla storia del nuoto.

In : Ludus. Sport & Loisir 2(1993)5, pp. 32-34

Breve storia del nuoto europeo (1793-1914), Firenze, Bonini, 1995

(Reviews : "Il mondo del nuoto" Novembre 1995 / ISHPES Bulletin n.10)


In : (editors) Karen CHRISTENSEN / David LEVINSON

Encyclopedia of World Sport. Santa Barbara, California, ABC-CLIO, 1996, pp. 644-646

"Motorcycle racing"

In : (editors) Karen CHRISTENSEN / David LEVINSON

Encyclopedia of World Sport. Santa Barbara, California, ABC-CLIO, 1996, pp. 653-657

Piccolo archivio dell'ultimo quadriennio pre-olimpico (1893-1896), Firenze, Bonini, 1998 (Review : "La Gazzetta dello Sport", 28 Maggio 1998 / "Il mondo del nuoto" Luglio 1998, "Tracce di Piemonte" Luglio/Agosto 1998, "Atletica" Luglio/Agosto 1998)

Little archive of the last pre-olympic quadriennium (1893-1896), Florence, Bonini, 1998 (Review : "Leichtathletik", 1. September 1998 / "DGLD Bulletin", 15. September 1998)

Primo : Arturo Saltarini. Il centenario del primo campionato italiano di nuoto, Firenze, Bonini, 1998 (Reviews : Mentioned in editorial page of "Il mondo del nuoto" Ottobre 1998, Reviewed in "Il mondo del nuoto" Novembre 1998)

First : Arturo Saltarini. The centenary of the first Italian championship of swimming, Florence, Bonini, 1998

Il primo dizionario di sollevamento pesi in Italia, Firenze, Bonini, 1999 (Review : "Sportivo" Settembre 1999, "Samurai" Ottobre 1999)

The First Italian Dictionary of Weightlifting, Florence, Bonini, 1999 (Review : "ASH Newsletter", December 1999)

"Rugby : The game for ‘Real Italian men’"

In : (editors) Tim CHANDLER / John NAURIGHT

Making the Rugby World. Race, gender, commerce. , Ilford, Frank Cass Publishers, 1999, pp. 88-104

The crisis of Austrian sporting identity : the World championship of cycling in 1898.

In : Proceedings of 4th Congress of the History of Sport in Europe (Florence, 2-5 December 1999), Florence, Jointly published by CESH/ISEF/ Centro Studi per l'Educazione Fisica e l'attività sportiva/Comune di Firenze, 1999, vol. 1, pp. 36-42.

In : (editors) Richard COX / Grant JARVIE / Wray VAMPLEW

Encyclopedia of British Sport, Great Barrington, ABC-CLIO, 2000

"Corinthians", pp. 77-78, "Cycling" (con/with Ann Furtado), pp. 96-99, "Diving", pp. 110-111, "Weightlifting", pp. 414-416

In : (editors) Allen GUTTMANN / Gertrud PFISTER / Karen CHRISTENSEN

International Encyclopedia of Women Sport. New York, Mac Millan Reference, 2001

"Compagnoni Deborah", vol. 1 pp. 261-262, “Diving”, vol. 1 pp. 330-334, "Dod Charlotte", vol. 1 pp. 334-335, "Ender Kornelya", vol. 1 pp. 363-364, "Fikotova Olga", vol.1 pp. 407-408, "Greece", vol. 1 pp. 473-475, "Kenya" (con/with David Levinson), vol. 2 pp. 624-626, "Lines Mary", vol. 2 p. 669, "Meyfarth Ulrike", vol. 2 pp. 739-740, "Mittermaier Rosi", vol. 2 pp. 744-745, "Moser Proell Annemarie", vol. 2 pp. 745-746, "Otto Kristin", vol. 2 pp. 843-845, "Schneider Vreni", vol. 3 pp. 973-974, "Szewinska Irena", vol. 3 pp. 1151-1152

The Father of Italian and International Weightlifting. The Marquis Luigi Monticelli Obizzi. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 8, Issue 4, March 2001, pp. 77-79

London : The Cradle of Modern Weightlifting. In : The Sports Historian, 21(2001)1, May 2001, pp. 57-70

Les championnats d’Europe entre 1886 et 1914. In : Les dossiers de la vélocithèque, n.14, 2001, Le Mons

National Identity and Ethnicity in international Cycling before 1914. In : CESH Annual, 2 (2001), Tischler Berlin, pp. 51-66

Europa, Mitteleuropa, Vaste Land, Firenze/San Casciano, Tipografia Impronta/Rilegatoria Cecchi, 2001, pp. 412

(e-review : 12 Febbraio 2002, recensione/review “Il Mondo del Nuoto”, Gennaio/Febbraio 2002)

The Nietzschean Superlifter : Wilhelm Türk. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 10, Issue 1, June 2002, pp. 32-34

Aquatic games as tools of modern swimming’s development. In : Ludica, 7(2001), Treviso, Fondazione Benetton/Viella, 2002, pp. 180-181

The Bohemian Question in International Sporting Organizations (1892-1914), In : (published by) Semmelweiss University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 6th Congress of ISHPES. Budapest 15-19 July 1999. Sport and Politics. Proceedings, (Budapest, 2002) pp. 335-341

Trainers, In : (editors) Richard William Cox, Dave Russell, Wray Vamplew, Encyclopedia of British Football, London, Frank Cass Publishers, 2002, pp. 304-306

Summaries 1-24, In : Aldo Capanni, Gustavo Pallicca, Dal Dopolavoro agli Scudetti. Storia della Pallavolo in Provincia di Firenze dalle origini al 1980, Firenze, Assessorato alla Provincia, 2002.

Summaries 1-15, In : Aldo Capanni, Franco Cervellati, Dall’assedio di Firenze alla Serie A.Storia del calcio a Firenze dalle origini al 1931, Firenze, Comune di Firenze, 2002.

The Very Italian Giant : Giovanni Raicevich. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 10, Issue 4, March 2003, pp. 26-27

The French marvel : Alexandre Maspoli. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2003, pp. 113-114

The Unrecognized Hero of Austrian Weightlifting : Josef Steinbach. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 11, Issue 2, September 2003, pp. 48-51

The Continuity of Austrian Weightlifting : Josef Grafl. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 11, Issue 3, December 2003, pp. 119-120

(con/with Franco Cervellati), Fiorentini in acqua d’Arno. Storia degli sport natatori in Provincia di Firenze. Dalle origini al 1945, Firenze, Assessorato alla Provincia, stampato da Nova Arti Grafiche, 2004 (Review : “Il Mondo del Nuoto”, Marzo-Aprile 2004)

The Classic Figure of Austrian Weightlifting : Josef Swoboda. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 11, Issue 4, March 2004, pp. 56-57

The First British Olympic Champion : Launceston Elliot. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 12, Issue 1, June 2004, pp. 88-90

An Italian Mythical Trio : Milo, Romulus and Remus. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 12, Issue 2, September 2004, pp. 24-26

The Modern Milo Imitator : Carl Abs. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 12, Issue 3, December 2004, pp. 119-120

Disgregating the Empire ? The Austro-Hungarian football’s controversy and the Czech role (1905-1910). In : CESH Annual, 5 (2004), NISH Hoya, pp. 57-69

The First Italian Hors class lifter : Enrico Scuri. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 12, Issue 4, March 2005, pp. 90-91

The Two-Hands Jerk : Clean or Continental ? The Obizzi Formula. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 13, Issue 1, June 2005, pp. 103-108

The German Master : Heinrich Rondi. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 13, Issue 2, September 2005, pp. 53-54

 In : (editors) David LEVINSON / Karen CHRISTENSEN Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport ,Great Barrington, Berkshire Publishing Group, 2005

"India", vol. 2 pp. 790-793, “Italy”, vol. 2 pp. 850-855, "Koreas", vol. 3 pp. 905-907, "Luge", vol. 3 pp. 941-943, "Motorcycle Racing", vol.3 pp. 1020-1024, "Romania", vol. 3 pp. 1279-1281, "Senegal" vol. 3 pp. 1337-1338, "Sledding/Skeleton", vol. 4 p. 1417-1418

 The German Wonder Boy : Heinrich Schneidereit. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 13, Issue 3, December 2005, pp. 122-123

 The German Meteor : Hermann Gässler. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 13, Issue 4, March 2006, pp. 54-55

 The King of the One-Hand Snatch : Louis Vasseur. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 14, Issue 1, June 2006, pp. 121-122

 Lifting Back to Athens 1906, Firenze/San Casciano, Rilegatoria Cecchi, 2006, pp. 96

 Strength and Elegance : Pierre Bonnes. In : Milo. The Journal of Serious Strength Athletes, Volume 14, Issue 2, September 2006, pp. 50-51

* Non viene citato il contributo (454 voci) al "Dizionario di cultura sportiva", un progetto lanciato da "Il Saggiatore" e portato a termine dai contributori, ma disatteso dalla stessa casa editrice, che non ha mai pubblicato l'opera.

• I avoid to enlist my contribution (454 items) to the "Dizionario di cultura sportiva", a project organised by "Il Saggiatore" that fully carried out by all the contributors. Disappointingly, the publisher did not issue the work.

b/1) Contributi in forma elettronica / Spots on the websites.

The origins of UCI / Les origines de l’UCI

In :

(apparso fra il 1998 e 2000, ora cancellato/this appeared 1998-2000, now deleted)

I campionati dimenticati. I campionati europei di ciclismo

In :

I campionati mondiali di ciclismo del 1898. La crisi dell’identità sportiva austriaca.

In :

Il ruolo dell’Italia nei turbolenti anni della federazione internazionale (1892-1914)

In :

Contributi vari in/Various spots in